Terms and condition for merchant

Welcome To zCart Marketplace

Add your own terms and condition for merchant here. You can modify this page from ADMIN PANEL >> UTILITIES >> PAGES section.

zCart is a platform where anybody from anywhere in the world can start their business. You don't need to own a system. zCart offer to sell your goods.  You can own a shop and decorate the shop as you want. zCart platform offers you the most popular online payment service all over the world also it will provide you, local payment service of your area. 


Terms  & Conditions

  1. You have to have a merchant account in zCart.
  2. Have to add a valid address.
  3. Have to add a Bank account to get paid from the market.
  4. To start selling merchants have to add at least one payment method.
  5. Merchant has maintained all roles set by the marketplace owner.


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